Eating Disorder Recovery Coaching
with Maureen O'Brien

You've been struggling with your relationship to food and body...
You’re thinking about it constantly or trying not to think about it at all. You may be restricting your food intake, binging, purging, some combination of the three or you might be engaging in a variety of other behaviors. You probably think about food and your body all day long.
You may not know for sure what’s going on but you know that other people don’t treat food or their bodies the way you do. You might feel frustrated, wondering why you can’t just stop restricting, binging or purging, etc. even though you want to. You see others have a carefree attitude towards food and body and wonder what it would be like to feel that way yourself.
You constantly think about your weight. Whenever you step on the scale and it shows you a number you don’t want to see, your whole day is ruined and you find a way to "make up for it" by engaging in various behaviors. When the scale displays a number you like, you feel excited, like you're “doing good." Even so, there’s a voice inside you that says if you just push a little further and a little harder, that number could be "even better."
You’re feeling stuck. One part of you wants to be doing what you're doing but another part of you doesn't. You've contemplated change but you don’t know how to get there. You might even be seeing a therapist or dietitian. You may feel like this person is helping you but once out of their office, you don’t know how to hold onto your progress in between sessions.
If any of this sounds like you or someone you know, then I invite you to consider coaching as part of your recovery journey.
*Currently not accepting new clients*